One week stand | Them

ONE WEEK STAND is a performance research project that explores instinctive creativity in artistic creative processes. The MichaelDouglas Kollektiv invites guest artists to spend one week with them to create a presentation and investigate the possibilities that dance offers in such a short space of time. The format serves as a catalyst for spontaneous creativity and artistic work under distinct temporal conditions.
In THEM by Angela Schubot and Jared Gradinger, the performers attempt to reorganise the relationship between the "I" and the "You" in search of other forms of coexistence. A performative sphere emerges that can effortlessly switch between the (un)known constellations in which "I am you" becomes a "we are you" or an "I am us".
Choreography Angela Schubot, Jared Gradinger
Dance Michael Maurissens, Douglas Bateman, Susanne Grau, Sabina Perry, Adam Ster
Support Made possible by the Artist-in-Residency Programme of Tanzlabor_21 / Tanzbasis Frankfurt_Rhein_Main, tanz.tausch Festival, RheinenergieStiftung Kultur