Here is you and not me
With its new dance production, the MichaelDouglas Kollektiv continues its fruitful collaboration with the Dresden architectural theorist Dr Michael Steinbusch (Center for Knowledge Architecture, TU Dresden). For three years now, the collective and the architectural theorist have been cooperating on projects on the relationship between dance and architecture. Using architectural models of thought, the MichaelDouglas collective will investigate for HERE IS YOU AND NOT ME where the differences and similarities of the various approaches to the creation of movement lie.
Architecture is mostly defined by iconic structures, isolated functional aspects or the relationship to its history. Dance, on the other hand, can reveal features of architecture that are as obvious as they are difficult to describe, involving structures that are both meaningful and communicative. In order to incorporate Steinbusch's concepts of architectural thinking into its work, the MichaelDouglas Collective launched a series of intensive exchange and research projects in 2011 with short work phases and subsequent presentations. The ONE WEEK STAND series in Cologne and Frankfurt am Main and a lecture performance at the 2013 Tanzkongress in Düsseldorf provided the framework for this.
¥Architecture Dr.-Ing. Michael Steinbusch
Dance Douglas Bateman, Susanne Grau, Michael Maurissens, Sabina Perry, Adam Ster, Inma Rubio Thomas
Music Ain Bailey
Project assistant Karolin Strys
Premiere: 30.October 2014
Funded by the Kunststiftung nrw, SK Stiftung Kultur, Kulturamt Stadt Köln, Ministerium für Familie, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und Sport des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen.